Baranów Sandomierski

Castle of Baranów Sandomierski.


Nowa Dęba
21 km SE,
60 km S,
32 km NV,
Janów Lubelski
81 km NE,
53 km E, 70 km V, 58 km SV, 87 km NV, 39 km SE, 26 km SV, 50 km N, 70 km SE, 26 km NE, 44 km NE, 14 km NE, 74 km SV


1.500 (2004)

Location and history

Baranów Sandomierski is located in the lowlands just east of the Wisła River – in an agricultural area southwest of the Tarnobrzeg district. Administratively, the city is located in the northwest of the region (county) Podkarpacie.

The town is mentioned for the first time in 1135. The name Baranów is obviously due to the sheep breeding that was early widespread in this area (baran = ram). Baranów gained marketplace rights in 1354.

Tourist attractions

The Castle of Baranów Sandomierski (Zamek w Baranowie Sandomierskim)
The all-seeing attraction is the impressive castle, one of the most outstanding architectural works of the Late Renaissance in Poland. Construction began in 1569 and was completed at the beginning of the following century. The castle was home to the Leszczyński genus. The floor plan of the building is rectangular and there are three floors. In all four corners stand round towers, lined with domes. Central to the facade is a protruding tower with the main entrance leading into the courtyard. The castle, which can be visited by tourists, contains, among other things. a restaurant. In the castle park today is a modern hotel.

Castle of Baranów Sandomierski.

Surrounding Area

Baranów Sandomierski – The city's official site with practical information for tourists

Eating Out:

Baranów Sandomierski – The city's official site with practical information for tourists

Other Internet sites and sources

Baranów Sandomierski – The official site of the city

Translated into English by Google Translate. accept no liability for any errors or omissions in translation.

Baranów Sandomierski
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